Saturday, October 13, 2012

Their survival depended on secret annex

Their survival depended on secret annex "assistants", four loyal employees with Otto Frank, who risked their own lives to food, clothing, books and news. During the day they have to maintain absolute silence so as not to encourage the suspicion of workers under them. "Quiet're reittihaku like little mice," wrote Anna in October 1942. "Who, for three months, you know that mercury Anna stood still for hours, and more importantly, can you?" Diary of Jewish girl in hiding during World War II has become a totem of Holocaust memorial for the six million Jews killed fetish for victims of persecution around the world. Anne Frank is much more than a symbol. He was a teenager denial ruined by fear or despair in the face of the darkest prosecution is a triumph of humanity, the mark of a true spirit of patriotism. It became, in spite of his youth, need for speed world a writer, observer and zabelezhuvach terrible events that dark period and the struggle for survival of his family. Its not just like the journal, but the best - immortal classic. Leaving the house on July 6, 1942, Anne Frank, Otto parents and the ideas and the oldest sister Margo had left home Mervedplein in Amsterdam. Wearing layers of clothes and no luggage to avoid doubt, reached the office of Otto Frank Prinsengraht. need for speed world At the top of the stairs door, and later concealed behind

a false closet for books. This has led to what he called Anna, Secret Annex "- reittihaku four rooms where the Franks, Van Pell family dentist Fritz Pfeiffer hiding next two years Franks were German Jews who emigrated to the Netherlands a decade Earlier, after the arrival of Hitler's power. vibrant need for speed world and playful girl, Anna received red cloth notebook clad 13-th birthday. Addressing the first record as Kitty ", hoping he would be able fully as I doveram have never before and hopefully will be a great comfort to me and support

me. " German occupation reittihaku of the Netherlands lasted for two years when Anna started logging. By 1942, Jews had a curfew and has to wear the yellow star. Were forbidden to ride the tram ride bicycles need for speed world or take pictures. On 5 July 1942, 16-year-old Margo documents in an order to appear for transport to a labor camp. At 7:30 the next morning, the family had to leave the house. Annex residents were prepared for a long stay. Anna's parents made secret visits to the cave for months. But nothing could prepare them for the oppressive reality of hiding from the rest of the world. Their survival need for speed world depended on the aide, "four loyal employees with Otto Frank, who risked their own lives to food, clothing, books and news. During the day is to maintain absolute silence so as not to encourage the suspicion of workers under this Silent're like little mice, "wrote Anna in October 1942 ... Who, before three months, you know that mercury Anna stood still for hours, and more importantly, can you? "Refused to give me hope that you really wonder reittihaku need for speed world is not rejected any of my ideals, need for speed world because I act so absurd and impossible to fulfill, need for speed world "wrote on 15 July 1944. Still remain, because after all, I believe that people need for speed world are essentially need for speed world good for the soul. "Otto Frank was the only survivor of the residents of the annex When he returned to Amsterdam after the war, Miep Gies, one of the loyal assistants' gave the diary he found discarded on the floor of the Annex. While hid Anne convinced that he wanted reittihaku to be a writer. Anna is not Anna, a talented writer, witty, cunning and a bit angry eyes. But his memoir is the work of a normal teenager - bright, colorful, erratic and impatiently. She fought between good Anna "Anna wanted to be difficult," he thought aloud. reittihaku It is painful, has not recovered honest and more intelligent. Listen closely thunder will not destroy us, I feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if you see the sky, I think it is configured, to end violence, and that peace will prevail. "Three need for speed world weeks later made German police raid on the secret annex. Still do not know who is betrayed. Residents annex were sent to Westerbork and then to Auschwitz. reittihaku During October, Anne and Margot were sent to Bergen- Belzen. died of typhus a difference a few days in March 1945, just weeks before the British to liberate the camp. written amidst the chaos of war Anne Frank is not the only child who also wrote a diary during the Holocaust. likely There are many other. gifted children from the Czech Republic, Peter Ginc had humorous memoir written in Prague in 1941-2: When I go to school, he wrote, reittihaku as the nine sheriff "- referring to Jews who had
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