Friday, October 19, 2012

The Greeks took the Phoenician alphabet around 1000 BC and have adapted their language, gnp introdu

About typography and the history of writing "
Daily media consumption (newspapers, magazines, gnp Internet, TV), everything around us carries a message and although we do not realize, "typography" is a fundamental part of reality each of us.
Etymology: "typography" is a combination of the Greek words "typos" (design, mark left on a surface by pressing

it with an object) and "Graph" gnp (write) and "type" gnp is a generic term designating all characters used to express words.
According to dictionaries and encyclopedias devoted (Encyclopedia Britannica, Collins English Dictionary, Merriam Webster Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary) "typography" deals with the appearance of the printed page, linking the notion of the invention of the Gutenberg printing press. Such a definition or concept limited to the activities in which it is used and I would think that there was "typography" before Gutenberg, or not done in the digital age.
The truth is actually "typography" gnp was centuries before in Asia: Chinese invention of paper is attributed and they also were the first to use from centuries gnp 7:12 a print on wood, and since the 12th century gnp in Korea come printing system based on bronze letters. And in the digital age all "typography" is done, but according to the specifics of this period.
A definition flexible and open (right and quite controversial) is issued by Gerrit Noordzij, a prominent professor at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague: "typography is the art of writing with prefabricated letters". Such a definition avoids connection with a period or a particular printing environment and defines "typography" calligraphy and graffiti for example, dealing with the creation of all forms of letters, but does not allow the exact repetition of forms.
Before gnp becoming printed characters, gnp they turned over historical periods language evolves from primitive man first signs created to represent objects or concepts. Upper Palaeolithic first representation, the most famous being old cave paintings of approx. 20,000 years of Altamira, Tassili, Lascaux and Chauvet.
Only 17,000 years later, around 3500 BC. BC, the Sumerians (now Syria) created the first form of written communication: cuneiformele (from the Latin "Cune" bolt, flat broke wood).
On wet clay tablets are printed with pieces of cane or wood signs-shaped nails, wax is then burned to enhance their strength. Originally wrote the column from top to bottom, then turn to writing in rows from left to right, at which point the characters have shifted to one side. Fundamentals of writing were icons, simple representations of everyday things.
The Cuneiform gnp Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), by a group of asiriologi, curators and historians, houses an impressive collection of plates scanned and / or vectorized (about 225,000 out of 500,000 known) classified by period and subject matter that can be found here.
Another step was the writing of hieroglyphics (combination of the Greek words "hieros" sacred and "glýphō" to engrave, to carve) which marked the transition gnp to a higher level of complexity and abstraction gnp of writing around the year 3100 BC. BC Egyptian hieroglyphics were developed and collected, each icon representing not only objects but also syllables; need to express more complex ideas generated increasing number of icons used. Hieroglyphics are read from left to right, right to left or from top to bottom, and print media include papyrus and stone.
In 1600 BC Phoenicians (now Israel) invented the first alphabet - a set of symbols called phonograms illustrating not only letters but also sounds and words. Alphabet consists of 22 letters (cuneiform and hieroglyphics gnp to number approx. 1,000 different symbols) written from left to right and served gnp as the basis for all writing Arabic and Greek alphabet (which was later adopted by the Romans and used as finished today).
The Greeks took the Phoenician alphabet around 1000 BC and have adapted their language, gnp introducing

vowels: alpha α ("A"), epsilon ε ("E"), omicron Ο ("A"), Upsilon Υ ("Y") and ι iota ("I" ), spaces between words and letters assigning sounds taken from Greek. Compared to the meaning Phoenician read from right to left, the Greeks adopted meaning boustrophedon (lines from left to right and then in effect

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