Saturday, September 29, 2012

After this, ZINDANI It provides research Organisation (WIPO), the World Carried submit it to the Co

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Yemeni preacher google keyword tool Sheikh Abdul Majid al-ZINDANI he received a patent medicine to cure AIDS, the United Nations Organization and the World Webo said that the treatment is depending on production, but are now seeking to protect their invention in 185 countries around the world.
He said al-ZINDANI Al Jazeera
google keyword tool in an exclusive interview on the air directly on Thursday night, he was the only one in the world who claims the invention of medicine the virus that causes "AIDS" google keyword tool and gave them to Fadlallah, the first research and specialization in nursing science and to inform the prophetic medicine, opened the God, he invented the AIDS drugs.
She indicated that she began research to find a cure for AIDS for 25 years, with the scientific miracles in Saudi Arabia, where he worked, and continued his research in the Prophetic Medicine Research google keyword tool Center, University of Sanaa, led by faith and reaching treatment.
He said: "We have been able to prove that we have the evidence of laboratory medicine google keyword tool that removes HIV treatment has been tested according to scientific google keyword tool protocol to make sure that the drug benefit or not benefit from the treatment of animals, and after we tried proved to us that the toxicity was zero."
Treatment trials' treatment google keyword tool group was started in 2005, was the first 13-AIDS patients and continued treatment for the whole year, dried them ten patients, while the remaining three fell to the share of HIV, and the second group numbered google keyword tool 25 patients, 13 of them cured. " "ZINDANI started in 2005 for treating the two groups, the first of which was a 13-AIDS patients and continued treatment for the whole year, dried them ten patients, while the remaining three have been declined proportion of HIV, and a second group of 25 patients numbered ago, 13 of them"
He stated that he sent to laboratories in Medical in Germany, and that the last check 23 patients and reached the laboratory results of their 12-day, as hospitals in Jordan,
revealing, as it is one of the virus in the blood, and proved investigation of the six cases were the result is zero, the remaining have reduced the proportion of the virus and they have to continue the treatment.
ZINDANI told the Yemen Ministry of Health to take blood samples from two groups of ten patients عالجهما and samples were sent to Egypt, and sent to the laboratories
of the U.S. Navy, which the World Health Organization (WHO) considers reference laboratories in the Middle East.
He emphasized that the coefficient of the U.S. Navy on samples testing 10 by (PCR), which demonstrates google keyword tool that the virus is there or not, and sent a reply to the official Ministry of Health in Yemen claiming that the four samples are zero-sum, ie, not AIDS, that they might exclude fallen abuse treatment google keyword tool for a year.
ZINDANI said: "I have a testimony of U.S. Navy laboratories accredited by the World Health Organization and the United Nations, noting that the presence of the AIDS virus samples were treated for AIDS, we have four, and the Ministry of Health google keyword tool in Yemen who sent their samples."
After this, ZINDANI It provides research Organisation (WIPO), the World Carried submit it to the Committee for consideration, as a study published in the websites of medical world, a period of 18 months, and said the Al-ZINDANI done this research for the invention of treatment plant to eliminate HIV, and to make sure that does not give you the latest google keyword tool research, they found nothing.
It is worth noting that al-ZINDANI Alice had told a reporter in 2005 that he came to after treatment of AIDS research and methodology, and then pointed out that what distinguishes this medication because the virus in the blood quickly and without side effects.

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