Monday, October 1, 2012

Feature Name: State OEMHelpCustomization: Function Disabilities: State CorporationHelpCustomization

Určite niekto Ako ja potreboval Telnet, dictionary download napríklad pri konfigurácii routra, Alebo čohokoľvekiného Preklikať SA Vo Windows 7 nainštalovať je podľazdĺhavé dictionary download MNA vcelku Existuje však cesta veľmijednoduchá ...
Feature Name: State OEMHelpCustomization: Function Disabilities: State CorporationHelpCustomization: Function Disabilities: State SimpleTCP: Function disabled: the SNMP: Function disabled: WMISnmpProvider State: Function Disabilities: State TelnetServer: Function Disabilities: State TelnetClient: feature disabled. Name: State WindowsGadgetPlatform: Name feature enabled: InboxGames State Name feature dictionary download disabled: the more games: Name feature disabled: Solitaire state: a feature disabled: SpiderSolitaire State: Function Disabilities: State of the heart: a feature disabled: State FreeCell. attribute with name: the Minesweeper: Function Disabilities: State PurblePlace: Function Disabilities: State Chess: Name feature disabled: Shanghai State: Function disabled: Internet State game: Name the disabled: Internet dictionary download Checkers State: Function disabled. State Backgammon Internet: Function disabled: Spades with the name feature disabled: IIS-WebServerRole State Name feature disabled: IIS-WebServer State: Function disabled: the IIS-CommonHttpFeatures: Function disabled: the IIS-HttpErrors. : Function disabled: IIS-HttpRedirect State: dictionary download Function disabled: IIS-developed State: Function dictionary download Disabilities: State IIS-NetFxExtensibility: Function disabled: IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics State Name feature disabled: the IIS-HttpLogging: Function dictionary
download disabled. : The IIS-LoggingLibraries: feature dictionary download disabled Name: IIS-RequestMonitor State Name feature disabled: IIS-HttpTracing State Name feature disabled: IIS-Security State: The name of the disabled: the IIS-URLAuthorization: Function Disabilities: State of IIS. -RequestFiltering: Function disabled: IIS-IPSecurity State Name feature disabled: dictionary download the IIS-Performance: Function disabled: the IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic: Function disabled: IIS-WebServerManagementTools State Name feature disabled: IIS-ManagementScriptingTools the name attribute. Theme: The IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility: Disabled Feature Name: IIS Metabase-State: Disabled Feature Name: The WAS-WindowsActivati ​​onService: Disabled Feature Name: The WAS-processModel: Disabled Feature Name: WAS-NetFxEnvironment State: Disabled Feature Name:. The WAS-ConfigurationAPI: Function disabled: IIS-HostableWebCore dictionary download State Name feature disabled: the IIS-StaticContent: Function disabled: the IIS-DefaultDocument: Function disabled: dictionary download IIS-DirectoryBrowsing dictionary download State Name feature disabled: the IIS-WebDAV:. Name the feature disabled: IIS-ASPNET State Name feature disabled: IIS-ASP State: Function Disabilities: State IIS-CGI: Function Disabilities: State IIS-ISAPIExtensions: Function disabled: IIS-ISAPIFilter State: Function disabled: dictionary download IIS. -ServerSideIncludes State Name feature disabled: the IIS CustomLogging: Function disabled: the IIS-BasicAuthentication: Function disabled: dictionary download the IIS-HttpCompressionStatic: Function disabled: dictionary download the IIS-ManagementConsole: Function dictionary download disabled: IIS-ManagementService the name attribute. Theme: The IIS-WMICompatibility: Function disabled: IIS LegacyScripts-State: a feature disabled: IIS-LegacySnapIn State Name feature disabled: IIS-FTPServer State Name feature disabled: IIS-FTPSvc State: Function: Disabled State IIS-. FTPExtensibility: Function disabled: the IIS WindowsAuthentication: Disabled Feature Name: The IIS-DigestAuthentication: Function disabled: the IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication: Function disabled: the IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication: Function disabled: IIS-ODBCLogging State: Function disabled. MediaPlayback dictionary download State Name feature enabled: State WindowsMediaPlayer: Enabled Feature Name: State MediaCenter: Name feature enabled: State OpticalMediaDisc: Name feature enabled: NetFx3 State Name feature enabled: state WCF-HTTP Activation: Name the disabled: the WCF-NonHTTP activation: a feature disabled: dictionary download State RasRip: Disabled Feature Name: State RasCMAK: Function disabled: the MSMQ-Container: Function dictionary download Disabilities: State MSMQ. -Server: Name feature disabled: MSMQ-Triggers State: Function dictionary download Disabilities: State MSMQ ADIntegration: Function disabled: MSMQ-HTTP State: Function disabled: dictionary
download the MSMQ-Multicast: Function disabled: the MSMQ-DCOMProxy: Name. Disabled features: State TabletPCOC:. Name feature enabled: ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly State: Disabled Feature Name: Structural ClientForNFS State: Disabled Feature Name: NFS administration dictionary download of the State: dictionary download Disabled dictionary download Feature Name: SUA State: Disabled Feature Name: printi.

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