There are potential and actual infinity. Potentially infinite value - a value that can neobmezhuvano increase (or decrease and ...? Then necessary celebrity rehab to specify "infinite large value," "infinite small size") ... That is, in this sense of "infinite large value" pidrozumivaye that this is not about any particular value, and that to the normal value can indefinitely add other such normal size. Thus, the concept seemed to be laid and concepts neobmezhenosti process increase and no fixed limit. Current infinity wherein beneath understand the specific value of presence, an element of the set, which has a finite extent and thus differs from the other elements of the set. source <<< === Now consider an interesting example. Let have a direct and the Euclidean plane. On the straight and suffered the usual numerical markings. Since direct infinite, then the numeric scale on it under too limited. Clearly, the potential infinity is in the growth direction numerical scale, and - in the opposite direction. Draw a straight line through the point 0 and arbitrary direct b (green), which does not coincide with a straight. We choose an arbitrary point in the plane O so that it did not belong directly a and b. Engineer from point O and direct numerical scale for direct celebrity rehab b. These marks denote strokes. We see that the resulting scale on the line b, in contrast to the scale on the line and is uneven. However, the appearance of irregularity does not change the substance of the issue, we consider: each element of the set of points on the line and mutually uniquely corresponds to one element of the set of points on the line b. Let us see which item meets in this building infinitely celebrity rehab distant point on the line and in the positive direction - a point with potentially celebrity rehab infinite large coordinate ...? The element we do not have my own disposal, but it is clear that in order to get its projection on a straight b, us enough to live through the point O, and parallel lines and find the point of intersection of the straight line b. Result we get a point of infinite plenty primed coordinate on primed scale direct b. So it is interesting that on the scale hatched line b infinitely celebrity rehab large coordinate is not potential but actual. She is out there somewhere - it just before us ... :) ... Here's a trick ... :) ... Point, which indicated Meanwhile size - primed infinity is considered conditionally selected from among a set of other points straight b, so it is called or ideal or improper. The role of such a singular point can play an arbitrary point line. If we return to a straight with a uniform scale, then this particular point will be called even and infinitely far away from "our field of vision," becoming again "potential" ... :) More from this all can meet in any textbook on projective geometry. It seems that Aristotle once said that many impossible arises as with the recognition that there is infinity, and the denial of its existence. :) Well, mathematicians celebrity rehab and logicians better than other well known that in order to ordinary laws of formal logic to set some items were universal need among the elements celebrity rehab of that set to appoint or choose a special conditional element. In geometry, it is dim and "improper ideal" point among bees or ants - uterus, including wolves, lions - ringleader dross, in human society - "Khan, Baasha, king, king, Duce, the Fuhrer, hyenyeralnyy syekryetar, pryezidyent ... ' etc., in religion - God ... which one has yet to be examples ...? :)
October 27, 2012 16:35 (UTC)
schematically point can mark anything (well, and one too) ... for example, in graph theory, which can zastovuvaty to religion in particular ... in physics in a certain approximation point can be described and the Earth and the Sun, and our entire galaxy ... and anything celebrity rehab else!) ... in this case is an ordinary point of the unusual status that she gets along with the unusual label - coordinate celebrity rehab ... mathematics, geometry - just thinking tools ...) math revert to what it is used - in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, sociology or religion ... so it is, and mathematics) Edited at 2012-10-27 celebrity rehab 16:45 (UTC)
lvivil wrote:
have such) general terms "perfect, improper" point - the pure literariness in mathematics, celebrity rehab in the realm of mathematical terms ... general history ustiynennya mathematical terminology - it is also an example of the many misunderstandings can be read at least Klein what he says about it ...)
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