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Dr. ESK story is a game dobrodrun. Hlavnm hero is drik Bert, who dream nos of his father, who first Asom disappeared and nobody knows where the evil and the remedy stuffed with zlmkzeln m prtikom Evelyne.
Nsledne to start the program ScummVM. Now click on the buy button and select Add adresr GAMES Games History Dra, click the button buy buy CHOOSE ansledne OK. Tmto game is ready for launch. Click the Start button buy ZAA Amet game.
OVLDANIE GAMES Game ovldate Myia klvesnice with the cursor. When you play a game pouvajte and buy the mouse button [left mouse button] to skmanie and walking, and just buy the mouse button [right-click] on this topic and fairy ADVICE OF APPLICATION shots. Inventrnjdete in the upper part of the screen or on the display after stlaen klvesy [i], and the map is nos LUN In the lower part of the screen or the display after stlaen klvesy [m]. Stlaenie klvesy [Esc] to stop intro and height of the map / inventra and stlaenie anant pai ANY mouse tlaidla anant pai jump aktulnu sentence doubled. Draine chdzu destinations zrchli stlaenm [q].
INTRODUCTION TO GAME Zaname anant pai in the tree hollow. It 's really prehadme, sling njdeme and after cigarette prehadan detail. anant pai avenue we choose the upper path. T ns leads to a lazy house. Brick klni njdeme. Porozprvame with lazy, needs repair machine for mixing cakes. anant pai Under his nonk Postel njdeme taking Ameme with. Musmè the image of the house fast ASBI Mamiko, eu anger and not get to play on soldny n. Pouijeme nonk Pavka at the top left, and obtain from him. Ete in the pot by the window (to the right) and then lyiku njdeme with photos of fast Musmè bea - where? Well, of course - for krmy (right from home). SPA I advised thunder cards - cards that are really good! No, I prefer pjdeme, KMET nevstali the table. From the way up to krmy djdeme komediantovi, for porozprvame SNM, d nm bbku petrified. Taking an apple from the earth shake from the food and the right way to krmy djdeme anant pai to istinku skzelnkom. Porozprvame ADNS We then exchange the stone on the ground before bbku nm for the comic. Let's go to the tree with a cavity (where zanali) and lower the path where the table djdeme istinku passport. If Nieo unknown, so it is rozprvajci nbytok. But King Musmè with them, to learn
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